ProjectWise Explorer Help

Exporting Document List Information

The Copy List To commands are used for sending document list information to the Windows clipboard, or to a printer. The document list is the contents of the document display pane in ProjectWise Explorer. If no documents are selected, Copy List To selects all of the documents at the root of the folder; if some documents are selected then only the information for the selected documents is taken. Once copied to the clipboard, you can then paste the list into the application of your choice. The purpose of these options is to have reporting of document information, where the exported information can be used to create text reports about ProjectWise documents.

Copying document list information and pasting it into a spreadsheet (tab separated)

  1. Select a folder, a work area, or one or more documents.
  2. Select Document > Copy List To > Clipboard Tab Separated.

    The selected document list information is sent to the clipboard in tab-separated format. This option is useful when you want to paste the information into an application such as Microsoft Excel, enabling the list information to be displayed in separate cells, as columns and rows.

  3. Open the application to be used for saving/displaying the document list information and paste the information from the clipboard, for example Edit > Paste.

    The document list information is pasted into the application, with the column heading at the top and the document information displayed below, in the appropriate column.

Copying document list information and pasting it into a text editor (space separated)

  1. Select a folder, a work area, or one or more documents.
  2. Select Document > Copy List To > Space Separated.

    The selected document list information is sent to the clipboard in space-separated format. This option is useful when you want to paste the information into a text editor or word processing application, enabling the list information to be displayed in separate rows with each column of information displayed with spaces between, to separate the information.

  3. Open the application to be used for saving/displaying the document list information and paste the information from the clipboard, for example Edit > Paste.

    The document list information is pasted into the application, with the column heading at the top and the document information displayed below, in the appropriate column.

Printing document list information

  1. Select a folder, a work area, or one or more documents.
  2. Select Document > Copy List To > Printer.

    The selected document list information is sent directly to the printer. If more than one system printer is installed on the local computer, the system default Select Printer dialog opens for you to select the printer to be used.

    The document list information prints to the printer with the column heading at the top and the document information displayed below, in the appropriate column.